27 Luglio 2024
Company Policy
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Rivadavia Industria Conciaria has worked hard to achieve economic development while respecting social and environmental values, since our goal is to improve our performances and image in a highly competitive and dynamic market. Therefore, besides the ongoing focus on the requirements as far as the determination of the origin of leather production is concerned, the Management of Rivadavia Industria Conciaria implements the Corporate Social Responsibility Management System so as to prevent pollution, ensure environment preservation and protection and seek the constant improvement of its environment performances, while minimising the risks associated with the activities carried out and with the products/services provided. For this reason, we brought the Environmental Management System up to the new international standard UNI EN ISO 14001:2015.

In this area, we think that it is necessary to:
• monitor the environment-related aspects associated with our business and with the activities of the firms
that work for us as well as monitor regulatory requirements

• identify appropriate management tools to keep meaningful environmental parameters and mandatory regulatory obligations under control

• communicate to all the personnel the importance of complying with both the requirements set by Customers and the relevant requirements of the UNI EN 16484 standard Requirements for the determination of the origin of leather production .

• constantly improve our capacity to monitor parameters and activities related to product identification and

So as to achieve the above-mentioned goals we established an Environmental Management System that is
consistent with the ISO 14001 standard requirements and that was later integrated with the requirements of the UNIC (National Union of Tanneries, tn) Code of Conduct and CSR. The System allows to:
• have an efficient activity management tool at our disposal as far as environmental, ethical and social
activities are concerned

• publicly show our engagement with the social issues that affect our employees and stakeholders as well as the efforts to reduce and improve the environmental impact of our activities

• if possible, try to spread our ethical and environmental spirit to the firms working on our behalf

• monitor the environmental and corporate social responsibility aspects of our main suppliers as much as

• promote outreach activities for the manufacturers working on Rivadavia s behalf in order to raise their
awareness on environmental and CSR issues.

This document aims at defining the activity-management principles that we want to adopt and explaining them to external stakeholders and internal operators. These principles are:
• the full respect of all mandatory legal and regulatory requirements as for its environment-related aspects and products, as well as the compliance with the labour legislation, especially with the Workers Statute, the National Collective Agreement and the Italian Constitution

• a proper manage of risks and opportunities related to the environmental aspects of the activities and products manufactured by the Tannery and to its compliance obligations, also in the broader perspective of business protection;

• the promotion, among employees, of a sense of responsibility towards the environment: the awareness of environmental harm and benefits resulting from the implemented processes and operating procedures;

• the control and the reduction when possible of the environmental impact of the firm, by constantly looking for the best solutions to reduce pollution at source.

• the continuous improvement of environmental performances, to be achieved by reducing the waste of resources (such as raw materials and energy) and by exercising greater control over the environmental costs associated with waste treatment (disposal/recovery)

• the continuous improvement of the working conditions of our employees and, as far as possible, of the workers along the supply chain; besides, we undertake not to use child or forced labour, we reject discrimination and unsafe work and we comply with legal and national collective agreement protections

• the assessment of the environmental impact of ongoing activities and of any new activity, product or
process that the Firm plans to carry out in the future as well as of the new goods/services it may use;

• the definition and, if necessary, the updating of emergency procedures to minimise the environmental
impact of accidents;

• the periodic assessment of the effectiveness of the Environmental and CSR Management System.

• the use of suitable forms of communication to provide the public with the necessary information to
understand the environmental and CSR impact of our activities, in order to create an open and efficient
dialogue with stakeholders

• the respect of the principles of transparency, fairness and good faith in the relationship with institutions,
clients, suppliers, competitors by avoiding unfair practices that violate the Code of Conduct and CSR we

This Policy shall be disseminated inside the Firm, since it shall be known and respected by the employees.
Moreover, it shall be available to the public and external stakeholders shall have the possibility to consult it.

This Policy is integrated by the environmental goals and achievements that are regularly planned by the Management and disseminated to the employees and to those who ask for them.

Castelfranco di Sotto, 26th February2018

Rivadavia Industria Conciaria Spa Sole Manager
Andrea Landi

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